"every pious person has a past, and every sinner has a future!"

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Today I feel HAPPY :D

Sometimes we push ourselves to fake a smile and pretend to laugh when nothing tickles your heart, but have u asked yourself  why you need a reason to be happy..while the reason is YOU
okie sebenarnya atas ni just a quote as a preface to what i'm gonna nag about today and sgt tak de kene mengene pon..so, saye nak sambung..it's only 12.32 am now and my location is.. no one has to know..okie, itu sgt poyo! saye berade di lab FEP.  my main intention of coming here actually to proceed my thesis yg tergendale dgn hebatnye..but ape yang saye buat is yes, updating blog and checking on FB. okie, I agree if u say that i'm a lousy 3rd year student. But Hey, Don't judge! Fullstop

But today , after bayar bil elektrik @ pusanika.. SOMEHOW  saye rase happy sgt!maybe because along the way to FEP I met some of my friends and we even had a chance to talk happily skejap  . and the feeling like SO 1st year! actually now I get the picture, as time goes by I tend to isolate myself from them because I was too busy outside. sorry PROFUSELY Kengkawan. I forgot how was it like to have friends around us. They are the source of my happiness. Pengganti family yang jauh even bukanlah pengganti yang sempurna :) Thanks deeply gals! I love them as sun starts to rise and sun starts to set! PHM X? TAPE SAYE PUN X..

okie la malas nak membebel dengan lebih pjg lagi, I gotta end this and start my agenda! thesis-phere dah dtg! all geared up and ready to go! toodles~!

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